Tarot Spells – by Janina Renée

Do you have a Swiss Army Knife? You know, the type that has a tool for just about any purpose? Or perhaps you have a Leatherman — another tool with multiple functions. Many of you probably have a computer that you use for writing, graphics, email, games, and more.
I like multi-use tools like these. For most people, the Tarot is used just for giving readings. But thanks to Janina Renee’s Tarot Spells, the mystical Tarot cards now become a powerful tool of magic as well as a method of divination.

As a magical tool, the Tarot cards have incredible possibilities. The 78 Tarot cards can be combined in a wide variety of ways to create just the spell you need. Janina gives full instructions on how to perform Tarot spells. She also shows how you can enhance those spells with other things like crystals and colored candles. The book also has dozens of example spells that you can work right away.

These spells are simple but powerful (something that I really like). They involve visualization, meditation and simple actions. She invites you to improvise and come up with improvements. This is an open-ended magical system.

I really like the originality of this book. Giving away the secrets of being able to use the Tarot cards for magic is unique and brave. There really is nothing like this anywhere! If you are a Tarot reader you’ll want this original information to increase your knowledge of the Tarot. If you practice magic but don’t use the Tarot, you’ll want this book so you can have another complete system of magic which you can use.

And if you’re ready to possess an easy means of getting luck, healing, love, peace and much more, I know you’re going to want this exciting and exceptional book. Give it a try!
